Chinese Admiral Nurse Project (CAN)
the CWT Admiral Nurse Clinic
A Cantonese- and Mandarin- speaking specialist dementia support service
for families and carers affected by dementia,
available in five London boroughs
This is a family-centred support service for family carers which we co-developed with the national charity Dementia UK. We marked the launch of the service on 26 September 2022 by publishing the following press release in English and Chinese:
Charity Dementia UK launches new Admiral Nurse Clinic with Chinese Welfare Trust to support Chinese families
26th September 2022
Dementia UK — the dementia specialist nurse charity — has launched a first-of-its-kind Admiral Nurse Clinic, to specifically support families living with dementia from the London Chinese communities across the five London boroughs of Barnet, Brent, Camden, Tower Hamlets and Westminster.
The pilot service has been delivered in collaboration with the Chinese Welfare Trust, a charity dedicated to meeting the needs of elderly Chinese people living in the UK. It will be available to people living with dementia and their carers who are of Chinese or South East Asian origin and are experiencing complex needs relating to dementia.
Dementia UK is the only charity dedicated to helping families face dementia through their specialist dementia nurses, called Admiral Nurses, who provide life-changing support and guidance for families affected by all forms of dementia.
It is estimated that there are 25,000 people currently living with dementia from Black, Asian, and minority ethnic groups, which includes the Chinese community in England and Wales.1 Getting the best support can sometimes be more challenging for families living with dementia from the Chinese community, because of the stigma surrounding the condition and the lack of culturally appropriate dementia resources and services.
Dr Hilda Hayo, Chief Admiral Nurse and Chief Executive at Dementia UK, said: “We are thrilled to be partnering with the Chinese Welfare Trust to deliver this landmark Admiral Nurse Clinics service. We know that people from the Chinese community continue to face barriers when accessing support and are more likely to be in crisis when they do.
“The last few years have placed increasing pressure on local dementia services, leaving many struggling and unable to cope. It is critical that we have more Admiral Nurses that understand the unique challenges experienced by families with dementia, to support families from underserved communities.
“We are pleased to welcome Emily Ka-Hei Lui to the Admiral Nurse team and look forward to watching her excel in this role.”
Admiral Nurse Emily Ka-Hei Lui, who is leading the new Clinics service, has experience of supporting families living with dementia from the Chinese community in Hong Kong. She can speak Cantonese and Mandarin and will be able to offer tailored health advice and emotional support to families.
Emily Ka-Hei Lui, Clinics Admiral Nurse, said: “I’m proud to be taking on the role of Clinics Admiral Nurse to deliver Dementia UK’s first specialist dementia service to support an ethnic minority in the UK. There is a real taboo around dementia in Chinese and South East Asian cultures. I want to tackle the stigma and help families living with dementia understand that there is a lot that we can do through specialist dementia care which can help families take back control.”
Eddie Chan, Co-Chair at Chinese Welfare Trust, said: “We’re pleased to collaborate with Dementia UK and work with Admiral Nurse Emily to support families living with dementia from the Chinese community. Through this service, we hope that a better future for the Chinese community in the UK will be created.”
The service is available to families residing in, registered with a GP, or who are a member of one of Chinese Welfare Trust’s local community partners in the London boroughs of Barnet, Brent, Camden, Tower Hamlets, and Westminster.
To find out if you meet the referral criteria for the Chinese Welfare Trust Admiral Nurse clinic, please call 020 3870 9350 or email
Traditional Chinese 繁體中文
華福會與Dementia UK攜手合作,推出首個華語腦退化症專科診所
華福信託基金(簡稱「華福會」),聯同志願機構 Dementia UK,合作推出英國首個以中文為主的腦退化症專科診所( Dementia Specialist Admiral Nurse Clinic ),為倫敦五個華人及東南亞裔社區裏患有腦退化症的人士及其照顧者和家屬,提供適切的、以家庭作為核心的諮詢服務,包括醫療支援建議、輔導及具體協助,讓他們有效地掌握全面的資料,認識腦退化症帶來的種種變化和挑戰,積極面對生活。
華福腦退化症專科診所已經正式在倫敦 Barnet, Brent, Camden, Tower Hamlets 和Westminster 五區啟動。我們的腦退化症專科護士操流利廣東話、普通話及英語,並且安排每週一天在上述五區設有指定診所地點,方便與當地居民作預約諮詢面談。同時,服務亦可以通過電話及視象平台進行,希望利用不同方式,擴大接觸面,服務上述倫敦五區華裔人士。
現時約有二萬五千名居住在英格蘭和威爾斯的小數族裔人士(包括華人)患有腦退化症(1)。腦退化症已經成為一個常見疾病。可惜的是,長期以來華人社會對腦退化症認識不足,存在對此疾病的各種誤解及偏見,以至人們往往延誤就醫,錯失寶貴的治療時間。同時,有部份在英華人因為語言障礙或文化差距因素,未能有效地直接使用主流的醫療及福利支援。因此,華福會認為華社有逼切需要設立更有效的社區腦退化症支援,於是決定聯同Dementia UK 的專家團隊,攜手培訓第一位能説中文的腦退化症專科護士(專稱Admiral Nurse),首先貢獻倫敦華社五區。
我們歡迎居住在倫敦Barnet, Brent, Camden, Tower Hamlets 和Westminster的華裔個人及家庭,或在這些地區有登記家庭醫生(GP)的有需要人士向我們查詢。請致電 020 3870 9350 或寄電子郵件到 作進一步了解、諮詢或預約。(注:本服務只適用於腦退化症諮詢)
Simplified Chinese 简体中文
华福会与Dementia UK携手合作,推出首个华语脑退化症专科诊所
华福信托基金(简称“华福会”),联同志愿机构 Dementia UK,合作推出英国首个以中文为主的脑退化症专科诊所( Dementia Specialist Admiral Nurse Clinic ),为伦敦五个华人及东南亚裔社区里患有脑退化症的人士及其照顾者和家属,提供适切的、以家庭作为核心的谘询服务,包括医疗支援建议、辅导及具体协助,让他们有效地掌握全面的资料,认识脑退化症带来的种种变化和挑战,积极面对生活。
华福脑退化症专科诊所已经正式在伦敦 Barnet, Brent, Camden, Tower Hamlets 和Westminster 五区启动。我们的脑退化症专科护士操流利广东话、普通话及英语,并且安排每周一天在上述五区设有指定诊所地点,方便与当地居民作预约谘询面谈。同时,服务亦可以通过电话及视象平台进行,希望利用不同方式,扩大接触面,服务上述伦敦五区华裔人士。
现时约有二万五千名居住在英格兰和威尔斯的小数族裔人士(包括华人)患有脑退化症(1)。脑退化症已经成为一个常见疾病。可惜的是,长期以来华人社会对脑退化症认识不足,存在对此疾病的各种误解及偏见,以至人们往往延误就医,错失宝贵的治疗时间。同时,有部份在英华人因为语言障碍或文化差距因素,未能有效地直接使用主流的医疗及福利支援。因此,华福会认为华社有逼切需要设立更有效的社区脑退化症支援,于是决定联同Dementia UK 的专家团队,携手培训第一位能说中文的脑退化症专科护士(专称Admiral Nurse),首先贡献伦敦华社五区。
我们欢迎居住在伦敦Barnet, Brent, Camden, Tower Hamlets 和Westminster的华裔个人及家庭,或在这些地区有登记家庭医生(GP)的有需要人士向我们查询。请致电 020 3870 9350 或寄电子邮件到 作进一步了解、谘询或预约。(注:本服务只适用于脑退化症谘询)

Find out how our service has been reported in The Nursing Times
Information booklet
Find out more about this service and how to access help.

To find out more about dementia, please visit Dementia UK's website by clicking one of the buttons below to read it in your preferred language.
Bi-lingual service postcards available in GP surgeries, public libraries, churches and Chinese community centres