
Get Involved
Lend a helping hand and join our efforts today.
Friends of Chinese Welfare Trust
We engage a London-based outreach support worker to assist vulnerable older Chinese people.
Your regular gift will help us build up the vital funds we need to run support services that are tailored to the needs of our target beneficiaries.
As a charity we rely on a steady stream of income to help us plan and launch more services that will benefit the disadvantaged and elderly in our community. We believe the Friends Scheme will help us do just that.
It is secure and convenient to sign up to the Friends Scheme online.
Corporate Giving
There are many ways your business can help us make a real difference to the vulnerable people in our community. Raise your profile in the community, entertain clients and colleagues and help make a difference Whatever the size of your organisation or the level of commitment you can give, getting involved with us can benefit your business.
Opportunities include:
sponsoring a fundraising event or service
corporate donations
For further information on all Corporate Sponsorship enquiries, please email contact@chinesewelfaretrust.org.uk. We look forward to working with you.
Chinese Welfare Trusts will be hosting a high profile fund raising dinner later in the year which provides the perfect opportunity to promote your brand or business. The dinner offers exciting opportunities to raise your profile in front of your target audiences and host clients and colleagues at this professionally staged, well managed dinner that are both interesting and enjoyable.
Title Credit as event sponsor.
Prominent credit on all promotional letters and previous guests credits on programmes.
Corporate signs displayed with Chinese Welfare Trust signage in full view of the audience.
The opportunity to distribute promotional material and corporate gifts to all guests.
A colour page advertisement in the evening's dinner programme.
The most simple way for businesses to support Chinese Welfare Trust is with a donation. This can be for our general work, or matched to a service or resource close to your office or where you business operates.
Contact us to find out more about what we are doing to help the community in your area.
Give in memory
Consider leaving a gift in your will to CWT and help to ensure the long term future of the Chinese-speaking specialist dementia Admiral Nurse service. Please email us at contact@chinesewelfaretrust.org.uk and we will get in touch.
Taking on the £1000-Challenge
Whether you are participating as an individual or organising a corporate event, have fun whilst you raise money to help us support the elderly and needy in our community.
Here are some ideas to get you started:
Take part in a sponsored walk or run
Organise a lunch/dinner, karaoke night
Organise a raffle or auction
Donate a day's wage and ask your employer to match your donation
Sponsor one of our fundraising events
Get sponsored for doing something challenging, like climbing a mountain, running/ cycling/swimming long distances (or taking part in a triathlon), bungee jumping, skydiving...
Organise a wine-tasting evening
Host a themed party
Recycle for charity
Arrange a friendly football or golf tournament
By becoming a Charter Member you will be one of a select group of people who are prepared to demonstrate responsibility for the benefit of our community. For a minimum contribution of £20,000, people like you will enable many people to continue to live their lives with dignity.
Donations of lesser amounts are also welcome. £10,000 for Gold Member, £5000 for Silver Member and £1000 for Bronze member. We are happy to acknowledge your gift, if you would like us to do so, by including your name on websites and other communications.
Membership will entitle you to attend our events and functions, to private briefings and invitations to House of Lords or House of Commons for regular updates on policy issues and on our projects.
If you would like join our Donor Circle, please contact us at contact@chinesewelfaretrust.org.uk
Volunteer your skills
Volunteering is an excellent way to become more involved in the community and to gain valuable skills.
We are currently expanding our communications team and looking for volunteers who are interested in translation (Chinese and English).
If you’d like to volunteer your skills or time to help us, please email us at contact@chinesewelfaretrust.org.uk