We have a strong team of UK-accredited counsellors who are experienced in providing services in Cantonese and Mandarin.

Please note:
Counselling is provided primarily via telephone.
This is a self-referral service. We encourage service users to call us directly. Please ring the number on the poster and leave a message on the answer phone. Our call handler who speaks Cantonese and Mandarin will call you back to make arrangements.
For all other queries and referrals, please contact us below.
我們鼓勵服務使用者直接向我們致電。請撥打海報上的號碼,並且留言。我們會給您回電, 向您解釋如何使用我們的免費服務,以便為您作進一步安排。
About the counselling team
Caroline Li-Howard
Team Leader
MSC, RMN. CBT (BABCP accredited practitioner, trainer and supervisor), UKCP registered
Dr Wenxia Shen
Doctorate in Counselling Psychology
Chartered Psychologist, British Psychologist Society
Practitioner Psychologist & Counselling Psychologist, Health Care Professional Council
Dr Rebecca Tang
Doctorate of Psychology in Health Psychology
Chartered Psychologist, British Psychological Society
Health Psychologist, Health Care Professional Council
British Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Psychotherapies (provisional accreditation)
Betty Ko
BSc, Dip. Counselling
Member, British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
Dr Robert Fung
NHS Psychiatrist Consultant
Please note: the team leader reserves the right to allocate counsellor to each individual case and her decision is final.